Rebuilding (poem)

I'm not new to this
I know I can't put you back together
That it's something a soul can only do for itself

I long to hand you, bespoke, the life of your dreams
And that wish is not because I don't think you can
It's because I know how much the doing of it will cost you

What I can do, if you let me
If it would be a comfort
Or help with the logistics
I will hold these countless pieces you've split into
I will love and inventory every single shard, so nothing is lost

I will shine a light on the part of you that is unbreakable and unchanging
The part that must, in the end, do the work
I'll consecrate the toolshed
And burn candles of love, strength and faith

As you have done for me

[Photo by @mhmd-sedky-1725307]

Kim Mohiuddin